What will be exhibited includes a combination of form and volume, modern figures and illustrations, all inspired by a kind of carpet of one of the cultural characteristics.

Forms and volumes that are executed in the form of modern living rooms with a combination of carpet and woven

* In the created living structure *, a deformation (unusual form) and change of use in the body of a chair is seen in a different way, in which the main axis of change is the attention and emphasis on “carpet weaving”. The main focus of this change is form and function. Due to the flexibility of the weave, the various and unrepeatable roles, along with the transformed body in the sofa or any other functional product, can be a completely new product. Creating unique for each effect with different features.

Because of variety of existing products and woven carpets, a new effect can be created by any of them.

Each of the Iranian knots and patterns is  created with love and feeling, which together with the wooden artefacts that come from the heart of nature, create a unique beauty and the originality of the work is  in the correct way of introducing .



16.September – 25.September
Project Title : NEW PYRAMID


MOOD board 1
MOOD board 2
Information Object
Public Object
Special Object A
Special Object B
Special Object C
Concept Object
Gift Object
Construction, Material Object
Photo Object
Detail Object

Life up to the twentieth stair

Life up to the twentieth stair…!
To volumize the path of life with various procedures, to recall growth and ascendency or to limit and harden, the stairs connect you to the future.
Twenty stairs are a symbol of path of transition and evolution in a principled cubic space.
Vacant spaces, round conical show the horizon through the path ahead; it depends whether to look from the wide or narrow side.
This path continues along the statue and is describable from every side depending on the mindset and nature of the behaviour towards it.
Constructing societies, reaching perfections and owning transcendent horizon is possible with the stair.


The Demon Remastered

●   Hier ein im ersten Halbjahr 2021 entstandenes Konzept-Set. Die Gestaltung und Ausführung der Figur des "Dämonen"-Gesichts als Relief ist inspiriert von der Geometrie von Webmustern und Teppichen.

"Dämon" wird in dieser Serie nicht als hässlicher und schlechter Glaube in der Öffentlichkeit eingeführt, aber man sollte "Dämon" als Charakter anders betrachten.

●   Der "Dämon" ist nicht immer schlecht; Tatsächlich ist "Dämon" nicht von Natur aus beängstigend. Der "Dämon" kann ein Freund sein; ein Freund, der ein Botschafter des Friedens ist

●   In Anbetracht der Tatsache, dass "Dämon" immer als verhasste Kreatur erwähnt wurde, möchte "Dämon" in den Phasen der Erstellung dieses Werkes ein guter Bote sein.

●   Negativer Glaube kann nicht immer wahr sein, kein Lebewesen auf der Welt ist vollständig negativ. Schlechtes kann jedoch als gut und hässlich als schön angesehen werden.

●   Das Muster eines Teppichs ist die Schönheit, die der Weber kreiert, und aus den schönen Mustern der Webstoffe fand ich die Form von "Dämon", um zu sagen, dass "Dämon" nicht immer schlecht ist.

●   Die Wahl der weißen Farbe für "Dämon" ist ein Zeichen des Friedens und der Freundschaft. Das Volumen der Reliefs wird neben Licht und Schatten dargestellt, um die Geometrie der Teppichdesigns neu zu definieren.

●   Schauen Sie nicht auf das Erscheinen von "Dämonen", also denken Sie nur ein wenig nach. Ich habe mir meinen eigenen Glauben aufgebaut. Geschichten entstehen aus den Gedanken anderer. Auch die zukünftigen Menschen haben ihre Geschichte.

●   Wenn kein Dämon da ist, kann sich der Engel nicht offenbaren. Der Engel ist der Nachkomme des “Dämons” und der „Dämon“ ist der Nachkomme des Engels.

●   Dies ist das Land der neuen "Dämonen". Neue Überzeugungen, in denen ich Zeichen von Güte, Aufregung und Vitalität gefunden habe. In diesem Land sind alle Zeichen gut.

●   In dieser ganzen Serie versuche ich, das reine Herz des neuen “Dämons” zu zeigen; und diesmal rufe ich weit weg von Schwarz nach Weiß.

●   Here is a concept set that was created in the first half of 2021. The design and execution of the figure of the "demon" face as a relief is inspired by the geometry of woven patterns and carpets.

"Demon" is not introduced as an ugly and bad belief in public in this series, but "Demon" should be viewed differently as a character.

●   The "demon" is not always bad; In fact, "Demon" is not inherently scary. The "demon" can be a friend; a friend who is an ambassador for peace.

●   In view of the fact that "Demon" has always been mentioned as a hated creature, "Demon" wants to be a good messenger in the phases of the creation of this work.

●   Negative belief cannot always be true; no living being in the world is completely negative. However, bad can be seen as good and ugly as beautiful.

●   The pattern of a carpet is the beauty that the weaver creates and from the beautiful patterns of the woven fabrics I found the shape of "demon" to say that "demon" is not always bad.

●   Choosing the white colour for "demon" is a sign of peace and friendship. The volume of the reliefs is displayed alongside light and shadow in order to redefine the geometry of the carpet designs.

●   Don't look for "demons" to appear, so just think a little. I've built my own faith. Stories arise from the thoughts of others. Future people also have their stories.

●   If there is no demon, the angel cannot reveal himself. The angel is the descendant of the "demon" and the "demon" is the descendant of the angel.

●   This is the land of the new "demons". New beliefs in which I have found signs of kindness, excitement and vitality. In this land all signs are good.

●   Throughout this series I try to show the pure heart of the new “demon”; and this time I call far from black to white.

Qajar House

Building a sanctuary for ultimate relaxation

This was a joint project of constructing a traditional residence with ‘Dalahou Nature Tourism Company’.

From conception through to raising investment, construction and fittings; all based on the architecture and designs of the ‘Qajar period‘.

From ground up, the construction of this building was based on techniques and implementation as of the same historical period. This beautiful building was constructed in the eastern part of Tehran, ‘Firuzkuh region‘ with the brand name of ‘Qajar House’.






Waves Tea Set

Inspiration for designing this Tea Set comes from Spherical Earth, combined with the effects of circles of waves caused by water droplets. In creation of each item, moments of this natural process has been simulated.